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Great ★ Ladies Denim, Capri, Marlene or Playsuit by Rumble59 ★! Rumble59 smells like Gasoline and a smoky honky tonk back room, like tough guys and easy girls. True to the motto "Denim without a cause" Rumble59 offers pants which really causes sensation everywhere. Look and See! The classic pattern, the high-class workmanship, the selected fabrics are responsible for the great quality of Rumble59. Every Rockabella and Pin-Up Girls watch out: These are finally denim styles with the original flair of the good old times, when daring Moonshiners raced against Hillbilly-Cops, Rockabilly-Streetgangs fought for Little Italy and the first Rock'n'Roll idols appeared on the stages. Rumble59 - Denim without a cause.

Ladies Denim for perfect pin up girls

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